Monday, November 19, 2012

And the preparations continue....

It seems I've been so busy getting a myriad of things looked after that there's been no time to write about it all.  Yesterday we got a lot crossed off the to-do lists.  We were out in the driveway cutting the heavy duty tarp we bought into what we hope will be a thorn-proof ground sheet for the tent.  Then to double check the size of the ground sheet we thought we'd better set up the tent and put it on top of the ground sheet.  Then I wanted to see how much room the thermarests we borrowed from Sandy's camping supply room would take inside the tent so they were unrolled and laid out inside the tent.  The neighbors were probably thinking "those crazy Gaudets are going to sleep in their driveway!"  But we probably disappointed them all when we put everything away.

I've been out on my bike a few times and especially enjoyed Saturday's ride because before I left Wayne pumped up my tires!  I always give them a squeeze before I head out but evidently it is impossible to diagnose low tire pressure in a mountain bike tire with just a road bike type squeeze!  It felt much easier with 50 pounds psi as opposed to 25 psi.  Now I know.  Plus, I felt like a genius when I suggested the reason neither of our bike computers worked could be because we put the wrong front wheels ( where the sensors are) on each bike.  Once the wheels were swapped to the other bike, voila, fully functioning computers!

Wayne has been racking up the miles in the basement on the wind trainer and using his time wisely by multitasking and watching old movies.  He has a shocking new addiction...the cheap movie bin at Walmart!

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